Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Personalized Pet Care -- “Your Best Friend’s Other Friend”

Personalized Pet Care by Rose Ayana - “Your Best Friend’s Other Friend”


Individualized services tailored to meet the needs of owners and their pets

Here is a picture of Bernie as a satisfied customer, visiting his favorite hangout in Northwest Denver – Mouthfuls. Oh boy good treats and fun!

Personalized pet services to assist owners in enhancing the quality of life for their pet. Including services such as pet sitting for vacations, daily, routine or one time dog walking, pet taxi (example to and from groomer) or any pet need tailored to meet the needs and budgets of individual owners and their pets.

I love all animals and in retirement have turned this love into a business that meets the needs of busy but loving pet owners. It’s hard to juggle work and life and always give your pet as much attention as you would like. So why not give your best friend some experiences with an “other friend”. Pet sitting becomes a whole new experience for pets with individualized care. They develop a loving relationship and have diversion and activity added to their routine. Keep your pets happy and enhance their quality of life, making your time with them even better!

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